We could never have imagined back in February, when we were partying in our pajamas at our annual New Year gala as if we didn’t have a care in the world, what the next month would bring and that it would be a long, unknown stretch of time before the Blissful community would be together again experiencing joy. As a matter of fact, July is the month that we hold our annual picnic and for the first time in TEN years, we are unable to host it because of something that is completely out of our control. This hurts because it has become such an important part of our lives and, of course, it is a much loved summer occasion that the disabled youth in our community truly look forward to. Also, as a grassroots charity that is led and staffed by volunteers, and has struggled and worked relentlessly to survive and thrive over the past ten years, this break in momentum feels strange and scary. But, we are not quitters, nor are we pessimists and we believe that one has to adapt to life as it rolls out. So we have put our personal resources, and the physical energy that would normally go into preparing for the annual Blissful Bedrooms picnic, into a different labor of love that addresses our current situation.We prepared 30 kits for special education students in the Bronx to use for online engagement in therapy and yoga/exercise sessions. We spent several weeks brainstorming, sourcing and organizing the materials with regards to function and economic practicality, and we were able to put together this comprehensive package for only $45 each. This ensemble goes hand in hand with fun, creative and functional therapeutic activities that we are continually creating to inspire, excite and benefit the students as they navigate this whole new, confusing and lonely world of remote interaction.

We delivered the kits to all 30 students in the Bronx and we can tell you this, their smiling eyes behind their masks, and their pure excitement when receiving this special delivery, was a boomerang gift we thoroughly enjoyed and are immensely grateful for!
Going forward, we hope to bring this opportunity to all of the members of the Blissful Community and beyond in the form of a special delivery of a yoga/exercise kit to use in a weekly recreational session that they can enjoy at home on a regular basis.
Thank you! Be safe, be well, be healthy!!